Estimate your compensation for free
Our team of lawyers takes care of making your requests. We just need some information...
We have prepared a simplified form that allows you to save time. Simply fill it out online and submit it to us.
Fill out the online form
Sponsor your neighbors and receive each
HelpHome was designed to save you time and above all not to incur any costs on your side. In the event of a successful request, our team will receive a percentage of the reduction granted.
No upfront fees
Sponsor your neighbors and receive each
After receiving your request, our team of lawyers will take care of your file. We will inform you of the status of your request by email.
Our teams take care of your file
Sponsor your neighbors and receive each
Once your file is successful, you will receive your compensation in the desired bank account.
Once your file is processed, you receive your compensation
Sponsor your neighbors and receive each
Despite legal provisions allowing tenants to claim compensation when their building is under construction, only a very small percentage of tenants initiate such procedures.
1. Tenants are not aware of their rights.
2. The process requires a significant amount of time and effort.
3.There are high fees associated with using legal process.

Unlike traditional requests through a lawyer, we do not ask for any upfront fees
No upfront fee
Thanks to artificial intelligence we can fulfill your requests in no time.
Thanks to our system in place, we can automate your requests in a very short time.
What is HelpHome?HelpHome is a platform that facilitates requests for rent compensation for tenants following nuisances during renovations.
Why use HelpHome rather than another service?4 options are available to you: 1. Do nothing 2. Individual approach: - Administrative burdens - No legal knowledge - Hazardous estimates of amounts - Uncredible requests 3. Hire a lawyer - Pay fees up front - Getting around the study - Legal expertise and credibility 4. HelpHome - No fees, a commission is taken in case of victory only - Without travel - No administration - Legal expertise and credibility HelpHome and its team of specialists approach them free of charge. You don't have to do anything.
How much are the fees?HelpHome does not ask for any upfront fees, only if the case receives compensation, a percentage is taken by HomeHelp.
How much can I get back?Each file is treated differently, this can range from a percentage of one month's rent up to 3 full months.
When should I apply?As soon as possible. However, you have up to three years after the work is completed.
What are my rights? Do I risk reprisals from management companies and owners in the event of requests?The reduction in rent in the event of default is enshrined in law and case law. Our lawyers therefore refer to legal texts and the requests are legitimate because they are accompanied by tangible evidence. Art. 259d CO provides that “if the defect hinders or restricts the use for which the thing was rented, the tenant may demand from the lessor a proportional reduction in the rent from the moment the lessor becomes aware of the defect and until the ;elimination of the latter » We also facilitate the work of management agencies and owners, with whom we work closely, by formalizing files and synthesizing information.